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UGA Right to Know Training

UGA Right to Know Phases

The University of Georgia provides Right to Know Training for all university employees via the Professional Education Portal (PEP) There are three levels of Right to Know training: Phase 1, Phase 2, and Chemical Specific Training.

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UGA Right to Know Training: Phase 1 (Applies to all employees)

This is an introductory one-time training that covers Right to Know laws for all University of Georgia employees and is part of the onboarding process for all new University of Georgia employees. This training will provide basic information on your rights as they pertain to Georgia’s Right to Know laws and working around chemical hazards. During 2020, the training will be refreshed. The Right to Know training module presented during HR onboarding may differ from the module offered through the Professional Education Portal, but the information in both modules satisfies minimum requirements.

UGA Right to Know Training: Phase 2 (Applies to certain employees)

This comprehensive training module covers in-depth Right to Know information and offers detailed information about hazardous chemical safety, the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) and the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for University of Georgia employees who work with hazardous chemicals as a part of their specific job duties, assignments or research in the workplace, typically in a laboratory setting. This training will provide information on your rights as they pertain to Georgia’s Right to Know laws and working with hazardous chemicals. This training is required annually for certain employees such as chemical laboratory technicians and other chemical laboratory personnel. 

Chemical Specific Training (Applies to specific chemical users)

This training applies to employees working with specific hazardous chemicals, usually in a lab setting. The Right to Know Act requires that training be provided at the time of initial assignment, whenever a hazard is introduced into the workplace, and annually. This training is unique to the specific hazard; the circumstances under which the hazard is used; safe storage, handling, use and disposal; and will be provided by a lab principal investigator or manager. 

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