Chemical Purchasing Process
Shoppers and Requisitioners can order both trackable and non-trackable chemicals via UGAmart. These orders will be reviewed by safety personnel for hazard warnings and recorded in Chematix when applicable. To record and properly route all hazardous chemicals, you will need to provide the Chematix storage location with the order.
Select your desired chemicals in UGAmart and add to a cart.
Once you have created your cart, click the Proceed to Final Review button.
Your default lab location is shown under the Shipping column. To make a change for this order, click on the pencil icon.
Click on the arrow in the Chematix Storage Location search box, then click Search.
Type your PI’s name in the Value search box or your lab barcode (if known) in Description.
Click Filter.
Ensure you see the correct building number and room number, then click the +.
Click Save.
Ensure the purchase is using account number 714102, which corresponds to laboratory chemical and supply purchases. This adds Lab Safety Review to the procurement process.
The laboratory chemical specific location assignment process is complete. You can now continue with your order as normal!
Please email chematix@uga.edu or call 706-542-5801 with questions.